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2 Ticks

2 Ticks

Shop Innovative and High-Quality Air Conditioners With 2 Ticks Rating

Reliable and practical for everyday cooling needs, catering well to those prioritising initial cost savings over long-term energy expenditure.

Air conditioners with a 2-tick rating balance affordability and energy efficiency, making them a practical choice for budget-conscious consumers in Singapore. While not the most energy-efficient in the market, these units still provide a reasonable level of energy savings compared to lower-rated models. They are ideal for moderate use and ensure a comfortable indoor climate without significantly burdening electricity bills. 


7 Results

7 Results


The highest price is $2,999.00

Panasonic System 1 Aircon CUPU12WKZ-CSPU12WKZ <br> 1 x 12000 BTU Singapore
Out Of Stock

Panasonic System 1 Aircon CUPU12WKZ-CSPU12WKZ
1 x 12000 BTU

Regular price $0.00 $1,679.00 from $939.00 Save up to 44%

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Regular price $0.00 $1,679.00 from $939.00 Save up to 44%

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Daikin System 1 Aircon RKM25PVMG-FTKM25PVM <br> 1 x 9000 BTU Singapore
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Daikin System 1 Aircon RKM25PVMG-FTKM25PVM
1 x 9000 BTU

Regular price $0.00 $1,199.00 from $1,019.00 Save up to 15%

Unit price

Regular price $0.00 $1,199.00 from $1,019.00 Save up to 15%

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Daikin System 1 Aircon RKM35PVMG-FTKM35PVM <br> 1 x 12000 BTU Singapore
Out Of Stock

Daikin System 1 Aircon RKM35PVMG-FTKM35PVM
1 x 12000 BTU

Regular price $0.00 $1,198.80 from $1,129.00 Save 6%

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Regular price $0.00 $1,198.80 from $1,129.00 Save 6%

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Panasonic System 1 Aircon CUPU18WKZ-CSPU18WKZ <br> 1 x 18000 BTU Singapore
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Panasonic System 1 Aircon CUPU18WKZ-CSPU18WKZ
1 x 18000 BTU

Regular price $0.00 $1,999.00 from $1,349.00 Save up to 33%

Unit price

Regular price $0.00 $1,999.00 from $1,349.00 Save up to 33%

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Panasonic System 1 Aircon CU-PU24WKZ-CS-PU24WKZ<br> 1 x 24000 BTU Singapore
Out Of Stock

Panasonic System 1 Aircon CU-PU24WKZ-CS-PU24WKZ
1 x 24000 BTU

Regular price $0.00 $1,999.00 from $1,579.00 Save up to 21%

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Regular price $0.00 $1,999.00 from $1,579.00 Save up to 21%

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Daikin System 1 Aircon RKM71PVMG-FTKM71PVM <br> 1 x 24000 BTU Singapore
Out Of Stock

Daikin System 1 Aircon RKM71PVMG-FTKM71PVM
1 x 24000 BTU

Regular price $0.00 $2,399.00 from $2,269.00 Save 11%

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Regular price $0.00 $2,399.00 from $2,269.00 Save 11%

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Daikin System 1 Aircon RKM50PVMG-FTKM50PVM <br> 1 x 18000 BTU Singapore
Out Of Stock

Daikin System 1 Aircon RKM50PVMG-FTKM50PVM
1 x 18000 BTU

Regular price $0.00 $1,822.80 from $1,639.00 Save up to 10%

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Regular price $0.00 $1,822.80 from $1,639.00 Save up to 10%

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2-Tick Energy Efficient Air Conditioners - Affordable & Eco-Friendly Cooling Solutions

In the quest for a comfortable home environment in Singapore's tropical climate, the choice of air conditioner significantly impacts our utility bills and environmental footprint. The dilemma often lies in balancing cost-effectiveness with energy efficiency. 

Enter the 2-tick energy-rated air conditioners: a solution that harmonises these concerns. These units are engineered to provide efficient cooling while keeping energy consumption in check. Unlike their more energy-intensive counterparts, 2-tick air conditioners function by optimising power usage, ensuring that they deliver adequate cooling without excessive energy draw. This makes them ideal for households seeking a middle ground between upfront affordability and ongoing energy savings. 

Key Features of 2-Tick Energy-Rated Air Conditioners

  • These air conditioners find a happy medium in energy efficiency. They'll help you save on your electricity bills and reduce your environmental impact but without the high cost of the most efficient models.

  • Equipped with features like adjustable thermostats and variable speed fans, these ACs smartly adjust their cooling based on the room's temperature. This means you're not over-cooling and over-spending.

  • These units are built to last, which means fewer repairs and replacements. This saves you money over time and lessens the environmental toll of manufacturing and disposal.

  • Sound insulation and sealing in these air conditioners mean less cool air escapes, reducing the need for the unit to work harder and use more energy.

  • The ability to set when your AC runs, like turning it off when you're not home, is a fantastic feature for energy-saving.

  •  Designed for the typical room sizes in Singapore, these air conditioners provide adequate cooling without the excessive energy use of larger models.

Factors To Consider When Buying 2-Tick Air Conditioners

Understand the 2-Tick Rating: 

The 2-tick rating on air conditioners in Singapore indicates moderate energy efficiency. These models are more efficient than 1-tick units but less so than those with higher tick ratings. They are a good choice for those who want energy savings without the higher cost of the most efficient units.

Calculate the Right Size: 

Choose an air conditioner with the appropriate cooling capacity for your room. An undersized unit will need help to cool the room efficiently, while an oversized unit can lead to excessive energy consumption. Measure your room, consult a professional, or use online calculators to determine the correct size.

Consider the Features: 

Look for features that enhance convenience and efficiency. These can include programmable timers, adjustable fan speeds, sleep mode, and smart home compatibility. Such features can help you tailor the cooling to your needs and save energy.

Check for Noise Levels: 

Ensure you check whether the air conditioning unit is noisy during operation. Opt for a quieter unit if you install it in the bedroom or study area. 

Evaluate the Installation and Maintenance Requirements: 

Consider the ease of installation and the maintenance needs of the unit. Some models may require more frequent cleaning or have filters that need regular replacement.

Budget for the Long Term: 

While 2-tick air conditioners are more affordable upfront, consider the long-term operating costs. They will generally be higher than more efficient models but lower than 1-tick units.

Read Reviews and Seek Recommendations: 

Look at customer reviews and seek recommendations from friends or family. Reviews can provide real-world insights into the performance and reliability of different models.

Warranty and After-Sales Service: 

Check the warranty provided with the air conditioner. A more extended warranty can offer peace of mind. Also, consider the manufacturer's reputation for after-sales service.

Look for Deals and Rebates: 

Look for special deals, seasonal promotions, and other perks with the product.

Helpful Tips To Maximise Your Energy Savings From A 2-Tick Air Conditioner

  • Aim for a comfortable yet efficient setting, around 25°C. Think of it as your AC's "happy place" where it cools without overworking.

  • It's like setting an alarm clock for your AC. Program it to switch off when you're out or during cooler times so it's not chilling in an empty room.

  • Treat your AC like a car – regular maintenance is vital. Clean those filters and get them checked now and then to keep it humming efficiently.

  • If your AC has a mode that says 'energy-saving', use it. It's like cruise control for efficient cooling.

  • Keep doors and windows shut when the AC is on. It's like keeping the lid on a pot to boil water faster – it keeps the cool and heat out.

  • Fans can be great teammates for your AC. They help spread the cool air, letting you nudge the AC temperature without losing comfort.

  • Use curtains or blinds to keep out hot sun rays. It's like putting on sunglasses for your house, naturally keeping your room cool.

  • Avoid activities that heat the house when it's already hot outside. Save that baking spree or ironing marathon for a cooler day.

  • Make sure your AC is manageable for your space. Choosing the right-sized outfit is like choosing the right fit, which makes all the difference.

  • If the breeze outside is lovely, open a window instead of using the AC. And always remember to turn it off when you leave the room for a while.

Frequently Asked Questions: 

What's the scoop on 2-tick air conditioners? 

Think of a 2-tick rating as the middle ground in energy efficiency. It's like choosing a decent, affordable coffee that tastes good – not the premium brew, but better than the basic one.

How does a 2-tick AC compare to those super-efficient ones? 

A 2-tick AC is like a reliable sedan compared to a high-end sports car. It gets the job done with decent efficiency, but it won't be as energy-saving (or as pricey) as the models with more ticks.

Is a 2-tick AC a good fit for my home? 

Suppose you're after something that balances cost and efficiency. It's like choosing a good, everyday pair of shoes that will only wear out slowly but won't break the bank.

Will a 2-tick AC save me some money in the long run? 

For sure, especially compared to the less efficient models. It's like eating out at a mid-range restaurant instead of a fast-food joint – you spend a bit more, but it's worth it in the long run.

Can I get a 2-tick AC that's smart-home savvy? 

Some ACs are techy, letting you control them from your phone or hook them to your smart home system.

How long will a 2-tick AC last? 

You're looking at a decade of cool, comfortable air with proper care.

Where's the best spot to buy a 2-tick AC in Singapore? 

You've got options: electronic stores, home appliance shops, online retailers. It pays to look around for the best fit and price, like shopping for clothes. But we encourage you to check our varieties at Megafurniture. On top of the high-quality 2-tick air conditioners we carry in our store, we can also give you a positive shopping experience.